I am trying to move my MP to a larger air frame and would like to know if anyone has any files for doing this? I have had this system for 5yrs and after I didnt get any where with MP I just gave up but I would like to see something out of my 12k investment. I would be indeted to anyone that would help. Please e-mail with any questions and Thanks for taking the time.
Views: 415
Hi James
You should chat with Greg Lewis I remember he did a Telemaster at one point. If you need any help with upgrading the radio modems let me know as I eliminated the MP supplied modems in favor of xbees about 18 months back.
Thanks for the reply. I will try to get ahold of Greg and see what he has maybe he will be able to help. I was thinking of going to DragonLink for the Telemaster but I do see alot about the xbees in some of the forums. What kind of range are getting out of it?
Thanks again, Jim
I am keeping to VLOS and have only tested it out to about 1300 meters but at the price of Xbees it is not bad.
Hi James
Can I ask some questions if I may? What airframe are you coming from? What particular issues are you having? The reason I'm asking is that we used a small foam aircraft for intial testing, and then done precisely what you are doing and moved migrated to a larger balsa/ply job. regards anthony
Hi Anthony,
I am try to put it in a Telemaster40. It came out of a stock Crop Cam air frame. I am just tring to find a fight file that will get me close to flying so I can try and do some fine tuning. I have to do everything in manuel now and when we hit the autopilot it just goes up and down elevators and rolls left and right and never levels out. It keeps its heading but as it goes on it gets almost out of control. Any input will be very appreciated.
Thanks Jim
Hi Jim
I'm no expert...but...you mention 'flight' file which is an *.fly but this could be a vrs issue, just double check what version of Horizon you are using and make sure that the vrs file that you have uploaded matches the version that you are running. I'm saying this because we had used a vrs from an earlier version and 'rolled it over' to the new version, and just changed the settings ie: servo positions etc. The thing would fly ok (if you could call it that) but had excessive tail wag which we couldn't get rid of through PID changes (rudder from y accelerometer and even aileron from roll pid loop). The tail wag was so violent that even I was airsick! I seem to remember that we had 3.4.something but are using 3.5.1402 (in beta) - we are really happy with this version. However, back then, we had a vrs that was created in 3.4.* but running on a 3.5 platform if you can follow what I mean. So, after much pulling of hair out (I'm bald so that didn't help), we re-created the vrs under 3.5 and bingo, no tail wag - it flew like a little ripper. A telemaster 40 should be an easy integration so there is something else at play here, so check your versions and go back to first principles by recreating the vrs in your current version. Let me know what happens. BTW, where are you based?
Thank you for the reply. I am sure your right I do mean the VRS. files. It has been so long since I have played around with the system that I am not sure of what all to do. I will check the version in the system I am sure its running the old one. Can you tell me were I can download the updates or is that on the MP site which I will check. I am in the Pacific Northwest in Washington along the Columbia River. I will break out the manuels and see what I can figure out. Thanks again for your help.
Let me have a number where I can get hold of you and I will talk you to a point where you can start making adjustments to the .vrs file of unit.
Hi Jim
You will need to sign in to the customer section of the Micropilot website. After you do this, there is a screen that asks for how much you have accomplished with your micropilot, I add 'ticks' as needed (doesn't matter what you put in to their survey), then after that will be the page where you can download updates, new versions etc - that's where we picked up our version 3.5 from (still in beta though). There is a lot of other stuff on that page as well - updates to manuals etc. It depends whether your customer support has expired or not. I pay the $500/yr because its worth it - I think I have got my money back out of them & they always respond and are always very helpful. If it has been a long time since you have played with the system, then it may not be different versions but there could still be some incompatibility with the vrs from your cropcam airframe and the new telemaster airframe. Can I ask - did you start with a brand new vrs, the one called 'default.vrs' and then rename it to a new name, and then do all your servo configurations from there before flying? regards anthony
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