
MicroPilot Autopilot Users Group

The G2.5 autopilot is the newer version of our G2 autopilot family.

It currently is functionally the same as the older G2 style boards but in a slightly different form factor.

The location of the connectors has stayed the same. The largest difference is that there is a second PCB board stacked on top of the main autopilot PCB. The autopilot processor and some other components were moved to the separate board to allow for upgraded models of the G2.5 in the future.

A USB port is now also included, the latest versions of Horizon allow downloading the datalog through USB, with the speed being similar to using RS-232 at 460kbps.

The G2.5 board also has a secondary 64MB flash chip allowing much larger datalogs over the older 5.5MB flash chip.

The power input system has had extra safety measures implemented to help protect the autopilot from accidental over-voltage and other incidents.

The four models of autopilots 1028, 2028, 2128, and 2128Heli are still being offered but in the new G2.5 form.

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