
MicroPilot Autopilot Users Group

I have been trying to get an Xbee 900mhz modem to work with an MP2028 with no luck. The Horizon tries to connect and then times out (there is activity on the data in / out LEDs on both sides of the connection).


The Xbees by themselves function as they should and I can connect between them without any issue at 57600 and transfer data.


I am using a Bec to provide the 5v for the Xbee and this does not appear to be the issue as I have also tried providing power via USB.


I have tried all the usual, setting the data at 9600, changing the data in /out cables, adjusting the timing settings on the Horizon etc etc.


Any thoughts on this would be welcome.

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Okay I got a response from MP and some hints from other users. Basically the voltages on the Xbee range from 2.8 - 3.3 and on the MP side - 5 to + 5 for RC and - 7 to + 7 for TX.  So you need a SR 232 to TTL converter (stepper) to make this all work. I have what I think is a suitable unit and will report back once I get an opportunity to play with it.

I have a working 900 MHz system based on Xbee Pro. If anybody wants the details contact me.

Hi Rory,


I would love to hear more about now your got the Xbee Pro working and the details around it.





Hi Rory,

I want to use the Xbee Pro with my autopilots for multirotors,so,would you please tell me more details?






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