
MicroPilot Autopilot Users Group

MicroPilot now offers an option to all payload designers to allow them to interface their product with the autopilot.

The EDP (Ecosystem Development Program) involves us providing the protocol framework along with our Protocol Tester software to the payload organization.

This allows the payload designer to integrate their device with the autopilot. The communication and control of the payload by the autopilot is written and customized by the payload designer.

Once the protocol is working in the Protocol Tester we will add it to a special build of autopilot firmware to be tested with a real autopilot.

If the protocol testing with a real autopilot is successful the protocol will be added to the current development branch of autopilot firmware to be available to all customers.

If you are a company that has designed a device that you would like to interface with MicroPilot autopilots so that our customers can use your product, contact us at info@micropilot.com to inquire about the EDP program.

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